Leave a legacy

Since the Silk Museum was established more than 30 years ago, it has been generously supported by our benefactors.

Marianne Brocklehurst

Marianne Brocklehurst, the Victorian silk heiress was a philanthropist and she dedicated her Ancient Egyptian collection to the people of Macclesfield. By leaving a legacy you will be following in her footsteps.By leaving a legacy you will be following in her footsteps.

As little as 5% of your estate can make a real difference to us without preventing you from providing for your family or other loved ones.

When speaking to your legal adviser please let them know that you would like your legacy to be left to:

The Silk Heritage Trust (Registered charity no. 519521) c/o The Old Sunday School, Roe Street, Macclesfield, SK11 6UT.

Please contact director@silkmacclesfield.org.uk to discuss in confidence.